After hearing about OsamaBama(if I misspelled his name it was not intentionally and not disrespect meant), the member of Congress from Chicago, statement about the Dems need to reach out to people of faith or something like that and because of a comment on another post, I felt the need to explain a few things.
I do not feel the Republicans or Conservatives "own" God or Christ. I know many Democrats who are very strong Christians, probably stronger than me.
I do have a challenge with how they can justify supporting candidates who a pro-abortion, among other things, with their Christian values, but that is between them and God. I am not the one to judge them in regards to their relationship to God. I would have to make a choice if they ran for office and that would be based on many things.
The Dems want to reach out to Christians specificly and other "people of faith" in general. The problem I think they face is they know they need people of faith to get elected, however it is hard for us to support a party that 1) believes it is OK to kill innocent babies, 2) that want special rights for people that have a lifestyle contray to Scripture and when we speak out about it & we disagree with the special rights, we are called intolerant, among other things, 3)we have to tolerate every religion in our PUBLIC schools, but honor students can not talk about GOD or JESUS at graduations and students at graduations cannot chose to have a prayer if they want to, 4)but they won't allow vouchers so parents(who pay taxes for these schools)who are not happy with the public shools take their kids to Christian School, 5)Creationism is not even looked at as an alternative to Evolution, as well as other things.
The Dems and their willing accomplises the mainsream media, treat Christians as if they are Flag waving, Intolerant, Gun Toting, Unintelligient, Abortion Clinic bombing, Far Right Fanatics.
Dems also act like Conservative Christians do not care about the poor, just becuase they do not want to raise taxes and create more entitlement programs. Christian people want to help the poor, they feel it is a private thing and they should be willing, which many are, to give of their own choice and not the government taking it and giving it to what they feel is important. Christian organizations as well as individuals give to many charitable causes, both for catastrophes and day to day both oversees and locally.
During Katrina, Southern Baptists nationwide gave more money and help than any organization except the Red Cross and that is only one denomination. I have to laugh Rockefeller and Kennedy want to raise our taxes, why don't they give their money to help the poor.
So Dems if you want to get more Christian support, I could tell you what to do, but you won't listen.