Friday, June 09, 2006


Well I'm back from Mingo Co. I have about 7 weeks that I have nothing I actually have to do. So I am going to try to post daily. I have several things I feel need to be said, so in no particular order here they are.
1) Gov. Manchin said he was going to cut the sales tax 1% a year(I feel they should cut it totally out on food) well why haven't they cut it the 1% this year.
2)Why do liberals/Democrats think Republicans/conservatives don't care for the "poor" just because we don't want to raise taxes to create more entitlement programs. There is hardly any mention, in the main-stream media, about conservative organizations charity work. Some examples the Southern Baptist Convention work in New Orleans(as well as I'm sure other religious organizations)& overseas for the various disasters, also work done by Pat Robertsons CBN & Jerry Falwell's org(even though sometime they say things they shouldn't), there are also many other conservative organizations and people that give to many charitable causes. I am also sure there are many liberal org, that give and help. The point is just because you don't want to raise taxes doesn't mean you don't care about the poor. By the way if our liberal Senators like Rockefeller & Kennedy want to help the poor why don't they give some of thier money. More tomorrow.


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