I hope the people in West Virginia wake up and realize that for all the good the Honorable Robert C. Byrd has done for the state it is time for him to go. The more he talks in the last few years the worse he looks and the more it makes the state look bad. I am also amazed(not really)that the media doesn't hold him(or for that matter any other liberal)to the same standard they hold conservatives & Republicans.
I also cannot understand why people are opposed to Pres. Bush's SS privitization plan. People over 55 won't be effected and everyone else it is optional. Also every place its been tried(Chile, San Antonio, & the Congress)it has worked. Why won't the legislature let us common people have the same perks they have. It is so funny the Dems want to say how they are for the working man, but they don't want the working man to be able to have the choice of privitazing his own SS(also they don't want to give the working man the choice of being able to send their kids to private school, like many of them do).
Last but not least the Senate needs to let the President's judicial nominees come to a vote. Yes the Senate did disapprove some of Clinton's nominees, but they got a up or down vote. They weren't fillibustered.
Well said. I couldn't agree with you any more. It boggles my mind too.(both Byrd & SS.)
thanks. how do i get other people to look at my blog
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