Thursday, June 29, 2006


After hearing about OsamaBama(if I misspelled his name it was not intentionally and not disrespect meant), the member of Congress from Chicago, statement about the Dems need to reach out to people of faith or something like that and because of a comment on another post, I felt the need to explain a few things.
I do not feel the Republicans or Conservatives "own" God or Christ. I know many Democrats who are very strong Christians, probably stronger than me.
I do have a challenge with how they can justify supporting candidates who a pro-abortion, among other things, with their Christian values, but that is between them and God. I am not the one to judge them in regards to their relationship to God. I would have to make a choice if they ran for office and that would be based on many things.
The Dems want to reach out to Christians specificly and other "people of faith" in general. The problem I think they face is they know they need people of faith to get elected, however it is hard for us to support a party that 1) believes it is OK to kill innocent babies, 2) that want special rights for people that have a lifestyle contray to Scripture and when we speak out about it & we disagree with the special rights, we are called intolerant, among other things, 3)we have to tolerate every religion in our PUBLIC schools, but honor students can not talk about GOD or JESUS at graduations and students at graduations cannot chose to have a prayer if they want to, 4)but they won't allow vouchers so parents(who pay taxes for these schools)who are not happy with the public shools take their kids to Christian School, 5)Creationism is not even looked at as an alternative to Evolution, as well as other things.
The Dems and their willing accomplises the mainsream media, treat Christians as if they are Flag waving, Intolerant, Gun Toting, Unintelligient, Abortion Clinic bombing, Far Right Fanatics.
Dems also act like Conservative Christians do not care about the poor, just becuase they do not want to raise taxes and create more entitlement programs. Christian people want to help the poor, they feel it is a private thing and they should be willing, which many are, to give of their own choice and not the government taking it and giving it to what they feel is important. Christian organizations as well as individuals give to many charitable causes, both for catastrophes and day to day both oversees and locally.
During Katrina, Southern Baptists nationwide gave more money and help than any organization except the Red Cross and that is only one denomination. I have to laugh Rockefeller and Kennedy want to raise our taxes, why don't they give their money to help the poor.
So Dems if you want to get more Christian support, I could tell you what to do, but you won't listen.


Blogger Mr. A said...

1. Abortion is a sin but the death penalty and supporting a war where 40,000 innocent civilians are killed is okey?


2. Religion of any kind does not belong in public school. The constitution is quite clear on the seperation of church and state! If the school is funded by public money a private issue like religion has no role in that school.

3. The use of public money to send children to catholic school is the same as above. If people feel that strongly about such schooling they should pay for it themselves.

My parents sent me to Catholic School for three years and never once did they receive a waiver to do so.

Home School your children if there is no other option!

4. Creationism does not belong in public schools! It is a "science" born out of faith and the bible.

Again, the constitution is quite clear on this.

Christians do not get to pick and choose what laws they want to follow based on the bible.

5. His name is Barak Obama! It would take two seconds to look that up! To refer to him as "Osama" is lazy and underhanded at best. At worst, it's racist and small.

6. No canidate is "pro abortion" they are "pro choice"

There is a world of diference. People have the right to make choices about there own bodies.

Also, I would lend more of an ear to these christian consevatives if they all didn't come out against welfare for these single mothers... It's your business when the child is in the wound but as soon as it's born it's "your on your own"

Again, hypocritical

7. It isn't a "lifestyle choice"

Jesus Christ!

It's the way people are BORN! Who would "choose" to be gay?

The absolute HATRED that Chrsitians show towards gay people is pathetic and one of the man reason I left the church.

Gay people don't want "special" rights that want EQUAL rights!

Again... huge difference

8. The Christian Right is intolerant!

They are intolerant of any way of thinking but their own. There is no gray! Just the balck and White of the bible's text!

3:34 PM  
Blogger GOPBUDDY said...

I apologized for writing the wrong name for Mr. Obama(Althought Ted Kennedy called him the same thing I called him and no one questioned that.
I am not going to argue each point, because we are both going to disagree and that is fine.
You do however prove my point & as long as the Dems/Libs keep those beliefs they will keep on losing.
One point I will take issue with people who are put to death by the death penalt knew that their actions could led to that they had a "choice", a baby that has not yet been born does not have a "choice" GOD BLESS

6:54 PM  
Blogger Mr. A said...

Not the point...

Your party adopted the Vaticans "points of life" but decided to just leave out two!

The Pope himself denounced the war effort in Iraq. You Christians just pick and choose what you follow word for word and make up the rest.

I'd like to know why the constitution doesn't apply to you and your group? Why you should be entitled to "special treatment?"

The Christian Conservatives are starting to sound very gay to me!

I also find the smugness of "you'll keep losing" a bit amusing.

Your party has been able to win one election on faith-based politics. What you must keep in mind is that your "Christian Conservatives" are in the minority! All your doing is swinging a big stick at a hornets nest and waking up the people happily asleep all these years. Namely women between the ages of 18-55.

For years these women didn't vote because they felt it didn't effect them. Keep taking away a woman's right to control her own body and watch what happens.

If you succeed you're party will never win another election in my lifetime.

So, good luck with that!

7:47 PM  
Blogger GOPBUDDY said...

I'm not talking about just Conservative Christians. I am talking about how the Dems keep losing because they do not take Christians seriously. In the last 10 years the GOP has won two presidential elections and took control of both houses of Congress, they have taken a majority of governorships(even the governorship of California(a liberal bastion)Even in my state(WV)which tradionally has been Democratic(GOP are outnumbered by a hugh margin)GW carried it both times and the GOP has made gains in both houses of our legislature, elected a Shelley Moore Capito, a female Republican to the House of Representatives in a Congressional District that has been solid Dem for over 40 yrs, and even our Governor who is a Democrat, is conservative and Pro-LIFE.
The whole point is the Dems feel they need to get the Christian vote. My point is I don't think they know how. And your comments just proves it.
The Dems may not keep losing I think they will , I gues we will find out in Nov.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. A said...

The majority of Americans voted for Gore in 2000

Yes, Bush backed into the job but the "popular" vote went to the Dems

In '04 no sitting president had ever been re-elected by a smaller percentage.

So, you won in '04, during a time of war, running on Gay marriage, by the skin of your teeth.

Hardly overwhelming stats... Plus, Bush has pissed most of that Christian base off during the first two years of his term. They may pull a "liberal women" thing and stay home on election day feeling they are just wasting their votes.

9:43 PM  
Blogger GOPBUDDY said...

Well time will tell. GOD BLESS

4:38 AM  
Blogger GOPBUDDY said...

Time will tell. - GOD BLESS

4:44 AM  

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