Sunday, July 02, 2006


I don't know why, but I've been thinking about Taxes lately. Something that I heard about 4 years or so ago and have since read about it and investigated and feel it is something that is a very good alternative to the Income Tax, is the FAIR TAX. Neil Bortz wrote a book about it over a year ago. I am only going to be able to hit the main points, but if you would like to check it out, check out, or buy his book. Here are the main points:
1. Eliminate the IRS. Make them INS agents.
2. When you get paid you would get your gross pay, no deductions.
3. National Sales tax on all new goods & services, of 23%. a)While this sounds high, remember all business have a built in expense of 22.5%(this includes Social Sec.,expense to pay accountants, etc). b)All taxes including Social Sec would be in this tax. c) Studies have been done that prove income to the Federal Government would increase. d) 20 major corporations
have already said if this passed they would relocate back in the USA.
4. Everyone would receive a Prebate(which equals about $125 per person)monthly, to cover what would be normal living expenses.
There are other points, but this give you the idea again if you interested check out the web page or buy the book.


Blogger Mark said...

The idea has definte merit.
Thanks for the tax web-site, I'll be reading it.

5:20 PM  
Blogger bingmanch said...

Fairtax shredded. Fairtax is a scam engineered specifically so the ignorant public will latch onto the "no more irs" line, and say, "yeah, that's great." Until you read the fine print, that the fairtax peeps don't bother to tell you.

For instance, do you know that after the first year, the "23%" tax rate (and I use that term loosely, read the link at the top), starts to go up? Do you know they can't even tell you how much it will go up? Read the actual language of the bill.

6:02 AM  
Blogger GOPBUDDY said...

This is a proposal, if it went to Congress they could change it. And while the Fair Tax may not be perfect, I feel it would be better than what we have and better than any other alternatives.

10:34 AM  
Blogger nicholas richter said...

I really dig your blog. It's very insiteful. Keep pluggin away. ;)

9:41 PM  

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